A Journey To Be Learnt, A Lesson To Be Remembered :)

Well, this is about one of flash back stories. Happened just few months ago. "A journey to the north" that what they used to call it. Till the end of the journey, it remained lots of thing that they have learnt so they change it to be "a journey to be learnt, a lesson to be remembered"
Check it out ^__^

The story began with the habit of few young people that used to "escape" from their routine. They decided to heading to north. However, there is a challenge in this trip, that no one allowed to make a contact through social media e.g phone shut :P :P

Well the trip just only for five days, but including long intense period of driving. For the first day, they woke up and started the destination by buying food and lunch in supermarket. Needed to underline, this three people (Lets called them Mr. Grumpy, Miss Calm, Miss Moody) are really in bad condition, tired, restless, confuse, and emotional. Before all began they even had a fight, just small thing, about the music that they should put on in the car hahahaha.

"Sunset in Geraldton"

Well anyway, finally they were heading to Geraldton, beautiful city with wonderful sunset and beach. This is their first stop. It took five hours to get there. Obviously quite tiring destination, but it washed out because they managed to arrived in the nice, calm beach exactly at sunset time. However they couldn't stay that long because they needed to find place to stay overnight. And first lesson start. They arrived in the campsite, and they needed to wait for few minutes until the person in charge came over and greet them. It more less about 30 minutes they had to wait but the waiting was worth it, because they were accompanied by the sun setting. The lady that in charge was very friendly and helpful. She explained everything and gave lots of information. However, when they about to heading to the campsite, another group came over and knocked the door. Unpredictable, the lady was really unfriendly and strict. She even sounds little bit irritated. Really different attitude with what she had applied to the three young people. The three young people quite surprise but feeling quite lucky about that and they also grateful. Especially, the accommodation is so  gorgeous. More over, the campsite was right in front of the beach so, at night time Miss Moody and Miss Calm able to go for night walk and had pretty long girl talk (just what they needed).  So for them the first day came out pretty great. ^__^

Lesson : when you patient, friendly, and has lots of smile it will come back to you again ^__^

Second day, the three people were getting more excited. They decided to go to Monkey Mia with some stop in Pink Lake, and Kalbarri. Unfortunately before they started the trip Miss Moody little bit pissed off and really not in mood. Especially because the weather was getting warmer as well, so the condition in the car wasn't really pleasant. Miss Moody decided to slept until arrived in pink lake.
Pink lake, is literally pink, not sure why, but there was an opinion that the pink color came out from the chemical surround the lake, which as they noticed surrounding pink lake looks like mining place or something like that. However, this stop could break a little bit the situation between the young people.
"Pink Lake"
Then it was getting warmer and warmer, they were so hungry because they hadn't got any proper food yet. However they are finally arrived in Kalbarri information center where finally they decided to stop by for food and toileting. Miss Moody just couldn't wait and rush went to the cafe, while at that moment the lady was mopping the floor. With nice lovely smile, she greet her "This floor is clean special just for you :) :)" Miss Moody, so happy and straight away change her mood. She ordered the food and took a sit. While the others came over and ordering and joining her. In the middle of waiting, the cafe assistant came over and ask some question, so friendly, just like asking her daughter about what sauce that Miss Moody like. Funnily, the cafe assistant just asked Miss moody even though the others also ordering kind of same thing. This just made Miss Moody day, and along the way she was happy again. Especially, she feels special and the meal that she was ordering tasted so good even though really simple thing. Mr. Grumpy said, that might be because the cafe assistant made it with love. ^__^

Lesson: When you confident and just act the way you are, your brightness can't be hidden :P. Furthermore, when your day turn bit grey, there always other extinction that can remind you about how awesome life can be as long you believe ^__^

Then they continue the trip to Kalbarri Natural window. Captured some pictures and rushing hit the road again.
"Kalbarri Natural Window"
 Another stop point is Shell Beach, where the three young people can breath little bit and Miss Moody could express her feeling by dancing with tunes and the flow of the winds in Shell beach. She just so happy.
"Shell Beach"

Finally they arrived in Monkey Mia. Oh dear they arrived just in time. They could notice awesome feature of the nature. Unfortunately there was no picture to show which I will explain it later why. So they arrived exactly to notice wonderful twilight and moon rising. Yeapp it is right, moon rising not only sun setting. It just magnificent, no word could explain how fantastic was that view. They just drawn on their own fantasy. Especially for Miss Moody, that moment just so touchy, because remind her about her hometown, the setting of the place, the dolphins, and moon rising and sun setting. Actually she just experienced quite same moment few months before, when she was in her hometown to watch dolphin, she noticed the sun rising and the moon setting. So it is kind of similar but different. Obviously made Miss Moody little bit melancholic.

"Sun Rise, Monkey Mia"

Well, the day end so lovely, and the next day there was incident which ruin Miss Moody feeling for almost two until three days later. In the morning the three young people got up watched sun rise, spotting dolphins and turtle. What a view!!! Then Miss Moody and Miss Calm decided to swim. While wondering the best place for swimming they got attracted by dolphins playing around with the pelican. Of course Miss Moody decided to record it. Unfortunately in the middle of recording the phone decided to give up. It is passed out forever. All of the pictures and data was gone forever and ever and ever. That made Miss Moody so shocked and sad regarding to the fact that phone has been accompanied her with lots of experiences and kept lots of pictures that haven't been transferred. Miss Moody life just turn grey again. Well the trip must go on, they continued heading to Exmouth. In the middle of the way they stop by in the beautiful spot which they forgot the name. But its wonderful place. Still can't wipe out the sadness in Miss Moody feeling though.

Lesson: When you so attached with your gadget often you forget about the things that really happening surround you. There are beautiful harmony of the nature and moment that need to be listened and felt just with your bare sense. 

On the way, they stop in Billabong road house. A lovely place with a lovely owner. Coincidentally, the owner has been to Miss Moody hometown, and he even has a good friend in Miss Moody village. Unfortunately Miss Moody couldn't recognize the person that the Billabong's owner refer to. However, this little thing bit brightened Miss Moody feeling. She thought it just nice to meet people after long way through the trip that have been to her village. It just feel like something for her.
Well a well a well, the journey must go on. It was looooooongggg trip ever, especially with really hot weather, straight road, but they have caught some view of eagles. So it is quite static view but colorful with different vegetation and creatures a long the way.

After feel like ages finally they arrived in the campsite. They feel much relieve but dying. The open space was wonderful especially with the 180 view of horizon and the great color of the sunset.So they made the camp and had dinner. Guess what, there was another coincident, after drove like 13 hours or more from the city they came from, in the middle of nowhere, they met their previous teacher. That was so surprising. According to the fact, that even in city they lived close by the school, they never seen their previous lecturer but they met in here, in Exmounth. What a day!!! So they had some chat and got some recommendation about what to do in Exmounth.

At night time they decided to try they luck to track the turtle, but they were not lucky enough. However, the experience was good. Chilled on the beach, night time, with no one around them and a big shiny full moon. That just as wonderful as it can be to close the day ^__^

Then the next day, they went to Turquoise bay, wide open sky with beautiful color of the ocean and three strong current which is quite dangerous but so phenomenal.


Well, the day passed by, and they need to go again. Went way back to Carnavon, place where they will stayed over night before heading back to the city of Perth. On the way they decided to stop in Pebble Beach. Well, as adventurous people they tried to go to the sand with 2WD car, What a smart idea!!!! Obviously the car was stuck. They just couldn't handle it but good thing is always coming after the bad thing. Fortunately they met, friendly people that willing to help them just like that. He so charming, helpful, and friendly. When they asked for help,  they not even  finished their sentence,He just willing to help and said yeahh "too Easy" and all of the worried and grey cloud just disappeared like that. That stranger just made their day.
"After met the savior"

Lesson: Problem come and go just like that, sometimes its hard, but as long you try there is nothing impossible. There always nice people, or opportunities ready to open they hand to give you help. As long you willing to see it, there always the way ^__^ #tooeasy

Happily they continue the trip to Coral bay, there another incident was happening. They almost lost their key. They nearly gave up until finally they found it. Hahahaha what a lucky people!!! So they arrived in Carnavon spent one night there and continued they trip back to Perth. They just so exhausted and full of experiences. Overall there so much things that they have been learnt and so many lesson that they found.

Thank you for, Mr. grumpy for a great driver, Thank you for Miss Calm and Miss Moody for a wonderful stories. Can't wait to create another stories again ^__^.
and they arrived safely ever after, and continuing their routine till maybe another expedition ^__^



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