Blank Point (titik nol , makna sebuah perjalanan) ' a book about journey, a different perspective of Life'

Well finally I got this book. One book in somehow i know it will be awesome. After search for it quite a while luckily I got the last book from the store. Yeah one book about journey, with Indonesian author Agustinus Wibowo. He brought me to his destination through several different countries which is hardly ever I think about. Different side of life, different perspective. A lot of emotional involved, somehow this book brought you to consider about variant of life. Which is everybody has their own difficulties and solution to face their life. Different kind of happiness and how is interaction of every person can be made. So deep, long, tiring, amazing, beautiful book which is personally I'm glad that I decided to pick this book to fill me in my day.

My favorite part about this book is the definition about  journey and the implication through real life. As a traveler want to be, it is quite sensitive thought i guess to give the meaning about journey. It just like asking what are you exactly doing with your life. Why are you doing that to your life, and maybe what are you exactly looking in your life. Is it true what have you got and what have you passed is worth it  and what are you going to do next. Is it enough or there a lot more that do you need to reach so until when it will be enough? That random sort of questions is so tricky to answer but yeah somehow I feel i got bit enlightening by reading this book. That's why I guess I'm highly recommended this book, it just nice to have different sight of view too.

Well I won't spoiler the inner of the book though, you have to read it to know and feel it. However i just want to share some quotes that I got from this book which is will be my highlight to remember when I'm bit lost again he he...

(okay i will write the original language and I'll try to translate it, just to learn to improve my english writting skills :))

- Perjalanan sesungguhnya adalah simbol kebebasan dan kemerdekaan
(Journey actually is a symbol of freedom and independency)

- Kita adalah kawan seperjalanan dalam satu karavan
(We are people in this world actually is a friend, Friend of journey in one caravan)

- Justru karena masih ada mimpi, kita jadi punya alasan untuk terus hidup, terus maju, terus mengejar, tanpa mimpi sama sekali apa pula arti hidup ini?
(Because we still have dream, that is becoming the reason to keep alive, keep moving, keep catching, and without dream, without desire what is the meaning of our life?)

-  Ajaran Tibet : Perjalanan fisik itu sebenarnya adalah perjalanan ke dalam hati batas antara dunia alami dengan dunia spiritual itu sangatlah tipis
(Tibet Lesson: Physical destination actually is a journey to your insider, which the border between reality and spiritual is very thin)

- Perbedaan konsep kebahagiaan adalah perbedaan sudut pandang yang menyebabkan perbedaan
memperlakukan hidup dan menjalani kehidupan.
(The differences concept of Happiness is the variation of perspective which impact the divergent of  the way to treat life)

- Perjalanan adalah perpindahan tanpa henti
(Journey is movement without stopping)

- Orang kaya itu adalah mereka yang berpuas terbebas dari belenggu kehausan duniawi
(Rich person is they who is satisfied just to be free from the thirst of  worldly)

- Cinta itu memaafkan, sama sekali tak ada sesal dan keberatan lagi
(Love is forgiving, there is no regret at all and no condittional)

- Perjuangan ini adalah perjalanan yang ditempuh bersama. Perjalanan ini mengajarkan arti persahabatan.
(Crusade is journey that we pass it together, which is teach us about friendship)

- Ruang kosong, perhentian dalam perjalanan adalah saatnya untuk memberi arti baru terhadap makna perjalanan itu sendiri
(Blank room, or stopping point in the destination is time to give a new meaning about the value of the journey it self)

- Kita tidak bisa terus terpaku pada masa lalu hidup harus terus berjalan karena kita adalah subyek yang bisa menentukan nasib sendiri
(we can't be always stuck with the past, life is always rolling and we are the subject who can choose our own destiny)

- Perjalanan itu sebenarnya adalah perjalanan untuk menemukan diri sendiri dari sudut yang selalu baru
(Journey indeed is destination to find your self from another angle which is always new)

- Kita adalah manusia yang sama, dalam perjalanan panjang mengejar mimpi di balik garis cakrawala yang sama.
(We are a same humans, with same aim to reach our dreams behind the same firmament line)

-Dalam perjalanan memang pada awalnya kita belajar menghilangkan diri, tapi pada akhirnya kita justru menemukan diri dan menjadi diri.
(On the trip, in the beginning we are trying to fading our self but at the end we actually finding our self and being the real you)

- Perjalanan itu sesungguhnya adalah belajar untuk menatap cermin
(Journey actually a lesson to see our reflection in the mirror)

- Perjalanan adalah sebuah point of no return tak ada istilah kembali ke sedia kala
(Journey is one point without return, because we are never will be the same)

-Perjalanan adalah belajar melihat dunia luar, juga belajar untuk melihat ke dalam diri
(Journey is a lesson to see outer world and also a lesson to see our inner)

- Dari titik nol kita berangkat pada titik nol kita kembali
(From blank point we go and at the same point we are come back)

-Perjalanan adalah menghargai hidup, mencintai hidup, merayakan hidup, mewarnai hidup, memberi makna pada setiap menit, detik, setiap hembusan
(Journey is how we be grateful of our life, loving our life, celebrate it, color it, and giving value in every minute, every second, and every breath that we have got)

And how is your definition of your journey, have you decided when is your blank point and have you get ready for another journey with no return.....
(Just want to remind you no matter how hard it is or how beautiful it is, you will never alone cause we are a journey friends in the same caravan who always trying to reach dreams :) <3 i="">


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